News / Politics Jokes

256 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
1 The Kittens (1.73) (1.01)
2 News Flash (2.64) (0.75)
3 300 (1.64) (1.04)
4 Yes We Can 4 (1.71) (0.7)
5 Yes We Can 3 (1.96) (0.63)
6 Yes We Can 2 (1.84) (0.68)
7 Yes We Can -1 (2.12) (0.77)
8 After Osama's Death. . . (2.37) (0.87)
9 Anybody There..there..? Echo..echoo? (1.96) (1.23)
10 Nu Problemu (2.92) (0.77)
11 Water Bottle (2) (0.79)
12 The President and the Cat (1.55) (0.73)
13 You're Know You're From Alaska If . .2 (2.66) (0.93)
14 You're Know You're From Alaska If . . .1 (2.56) (0.95)
15 Osama Bin Laden's Greeting At The Pearly Gates? (2.82) (1.25)
1 2 3 4 5 ... 18

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