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Registration is quick and easy and best of all, its totally free! As a new user you will enjoy the following benefits.
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Joke Recommendations
Registered users can submit jokes of their own. These are instantly available on the website for other registered users to read and rate (unregistered visitors can't see new jokes right away). Each joke you submit earns you points. Points allow you to climb the ladder. The Top 10 jokesters are listed on the home page. Can you make it into the Top 10?
Vote on JokesAs a member of the website you will be allowed to vote on jokes. Each vote you cast earns you one point and contributes to the rating of that joke. Wocka will keep track of which jokes you've rated so we can show you jokes you haven't seen yet. No more reading the same joke twice!
Find Good JokesWe also use your votes to recommend other jokes that you may like. Using a sophisticated technique called collaborative filtering we have very good success at recommending jokes based on your personal profile. The more jokes you rate, the smarter our recommendation engine gets!
Become an EditorUsers who earn a certain number of points automatically become editors. Editors have the ability to delete duplicate jokes, fix spelling errors in existing jokes and cast multiple votes. Any user can eventually become an editors and help contribute to the website.
Other BenefitsOnly registered users have access to R rated jokes, if this is what you like. If you dont want to see dirty jokes, no problem. You can easily set a filter to block all jokes above a certain rating.
This site is mostly unmoderated. This means that some of the jokes may not be suitable for younger viewers. There is a rating system that will allow you to filter what you see, but you should be aware that you may encounter some objectionable material.
If you are under the age of 13, please get your parents approval before filling out this form.
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Please read our Privacy Policy for more information.