A Good Ol' Fashioned A** Whoopin'

Joke ID#18199
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CategoryAt Work  
Submitted Bywq11bg12
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Me: "Sir, would you like to use any coupons today?"

Customer: "Yes, I've been saving them. Here you go!"

(He hands me a coupon that had expired five years previously.)

Me: "Sir, your coupon is expired."

Customer: "WHAT?! What do you mean its expired? You f***ing b****, you're just trying to steal my f***ing money! You're trying to rob me! You and this f***ing company are trying to steal my f***ing money!"

(The customer attempts to climb over the counter and attack me. Thankfully, my manager intercepts him.)

Manager: "Sir, I need you to come with me."

(My manager hauls the customer off counter by the back of his collar and drags him outside. Ten minutes pass, and he comes back in hauling a very disheveled customer by the shirt.)

Customer: "Your manager told me that I need to apologize to you. I'm sorry for yelling."

Manager: "Now, apologize for cursing at her."

Customer: "I'm sorry for cursing at you."

Manager: "Now, what's our policy on expired coupons?"

Customer: "You don't accept them."

Manager, to me: "Is he forgiven, or would you like to have him arrested?"

Me: "No, it's okay. "

Manager, to customer: "Now get out, and don't come back." *throws customer out*

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