No Pranks, Just Thanks

Joke ID#18197
Funny (2.57)
Rating (0.42)
Submitted Bywq11bg12
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(I am shelving DVDs in a library when a man comes in with a boy who appears to be autistic. The boy sees a movie about Thanksgiving.)

Boy: "Thanksgiving! I love Thanksgiving! I'm thankful... I'm thankful for... I'm thankful for my friends at school!"

Caretaker: "You're thankful for your friends at school?"

Boy: "Yeah! Yeah and... and... what are you thankful for? Are you thankful for your friends?"

Caretaker: *no response*

Boy: "Are you thankful for me?"

Caretaker: "I'm thankful for you, kid. I'm more thankful for you than all my friends in the world."

Boy: *smiles*

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