Thank You For Shopping At ApocalypseMart

Joke ID#18192
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CategoryAt Work  
Submitted Bywq11bg12
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(It's Halloween, and I'm dressed up as a vampire and wearing a pentacle necklace. The crew is planning on going out after work for a party.)

Me: "Did you find everything you needed tonight?"

Customer: "Yes, thank you. Can I just say that I think it was very nice of them to let you all dress up for tonight? I really like what you have on."

Me: "Thank you, ma'am."

Customer: "But don't you think you took it a little too far?"

Me: "Uh... took what too far?"

Customer: "Well I understand that you're supposed to be some type of vampire, but don't you think that necklace is taking it too far?"

Me: "Oh, that. That's not part of my costume, I always wear that."

Customer: *loudly* "Well if you want to risk burning in H*** for wearing that devil worshiping symbol, that's just fine with me... but they shouldn't be letting you wear that here in a public place!"

Me: *sarcastically* "Well, why shouldn't they let me wear it? After all, we all practice together and I'm the high priestess. In fact as soon as you leave, we're gonna close up the store, start a bonfire in the parking lot, and then dance naked around it until dawn."

Customer, to one of my managers: "Aren't you going to do anything about what she said to me?"

Manager #1: "Yes, ma'am. As soon as you leave, we're going to close the store."

Customer: "THAT'S IT?!"

Manager #2: "Of course not, ma'am. You heard the rest of our... plans."

(And with the kind of timing that only happens once in a lifetime, a stock boy unwittingly walks out of the back room while taking his uniform shirt off at the same time. The customer practically runs out of the store.)

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