BrainTracker Grid

Joke ID#16477
Funny (1.22)
Rating (0.97)
CategoryOther / Misc  
Submitted ByAnimal
Corrected By evil996
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Using the BrainTracker grid below, how many words can you find? Each word must contain the central W and no letter can be used twice, however, the letters do not have to be connected. Proper nouns are not allowed, however, plurals are. There is at least one nine letter word. Excellent: 23 words. Good: 18 words. Average: 15 words.

Common words: low, lower, lowlier, owe, owl, pew, pillow, power, prow, prowl, row, we, weir, well, will, willow, WILLPOWER, wipe, wiper, wire, woe, wore, wow.

All words: low, lowe, lower, lowlier, lwei, ow, owe, owl, pew, pillow, plew, plow, plower, pow, power, prow, prowl, row, rowel, we, weir, well, wile, will, willer, willow, willower, WILLPOWER, wipe, wiper, wire, wo, woe, wore, wow.

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