All Jokes

Alphabetical listing of all jokes in our website.

Title Comedy Rating
16 "It's Great to Be Collaborating With Germany Again!" (2) (0.94)
17 "LEARNING CHINESE" (2.63) (0.62)
18 "Life of Bud Nelson" (2.08) (0.89)
19 "man" Jokez..n a Boy Joke.. (2.59) (0.96)
20 "Ooh, Cheese" (1.23) (0.6)
21 "Or What" (1.77) (2.45)
22 "Smart" Teacher (2.42) (0.75)
23 "Supersex" (2.1) (2.27)
24 "The Penis Poem" (2.22) (2.72)
25 "Under the Sea" (2.97) (1.06)
26 "Warming Up Supper" (2.27) (2.59)
27 "What Gifts?" (2.09) (0.66)
28 "What's Up, Doc?" (2.15) (0.86)
29 "Who's on First?" By Abbott and Costello (2.51) (0.67)
30 #1 Redneck (1.45) (0.7)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 700

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