All Jokes

Alphabetical listing of all jokes in our website.

Title Comedy Rating
91 100 = D in a D (1.15) (1.11)
92 100 Camels For Wife (2.64) (0.68)
93 100 Dollar Bill (1.82) (0.88)
94 100 REASONS (1.79) (1.02)
95 100 Reasons Why Its Great To Be A Guy (2.79) (1.01)
96 100 Things Not To Say During Sex (1.35) (2.64)
97 100 Year Old Man (1.96) (1.28)
98 100 Years Ago Vs. Today (2.2) (0.88)
99 100 Years Old (2.43) (1.16)
100 100,000 Frenchmen (2.27) (0.75)
101 101 = K on a C KB (1.15) (1.11)
102 101 Ways to Annoy People (2.66) (0.72)
103 101 Ways To Annoy Your Roommate (3.19) (0.66)
104 10=D in a M (1.2) (0.89)
105 10=E on B (1.33) (0.82)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 700

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