All Jokes

Alphabetical listing of all jokes in our website.

Title Comedy Rating
61 ... (2.03) (0.65)
62 ... And We Wonder Why Everyone Hates Us (1.27) (1.19)
63 .... (1.81) (1.5)
64 ...on a Plane (1.88) (1.5)
65 1 C A and 4 H A in a M M (1.12) (0.86)
66 1+1? That's Hard! (2.54) (0.78)
67 1,2... (1.64) (1.3)
68 1/3 Multiplied By 3 (2.47) (0.74)
69 1/cabin (2.76) (0.78)
70 10 Commandments of a Teenager (2.73) (1.2)
71 10 Commandments of College (1.72) (2.22)
72 10 Commandments of Marriage (2.58) (0.68)
73 10 Dollars (3.13) (0.69)
74 10 Funny Blond Jokes (1.85) (0.56)
75 10 Husbands, Still a Virgin (2.51) (2.52)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 700

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