Most Recent Jokes

These are the most recent jokes submitted by users like you.

Title Comedy Rating
61 Only One On This Planet (0.86) (1.4)
62 Tail (1.18) (0.69)
63 Firemen (1.1) (0.82)
64 Funny (1.14) (0.7)
65 A Really Big Account (0.91) (1.46)
66 So Many Products (1.14) (0.71)
67 The Blind German (2.81) (0.7)
68 This is Majorly Funny! (2.43) (0.82)
69 Women (1.17) (0.74)
70 Dads (1.77) (0.8)
71 BRRRR.... (2.74) (0.69)
72 Japan (1.38) (0.75)
73 WHO ARE YOU????!!! (a Mik From Mik and Mak Joke) (1.59) (0.8)
74 The Panda (2.46) (1.3)
75 Screwing Up A Business (2.83) (2.12)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 700

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