Most Recent Jokes

These are the most recent jokes submitted by users like you.

Title Comedy Rating
46 As The Checkout Line Churns (2.64) (0.8)
47 We Need One Of These In Every Store (2.62) (1.26)
48 Thank You For Shopping At ApocalypseMart (2.64) (0.8)
49 Hard Drugs And Harder Pharmacists (2.64) (0.93)
50 You've Got The Wrong(est) Number (2.64) (1.26)
51 A Heady Proposition (2.44) (1.31)
52 Paging Leonidas To The Front Desk (2.64) (1.11)
53 Fighting Fire With Fire (2.78) (0.96)
54 Every (Bad) Crowd Has A Silver Lining (2.71) (0.65)
55 Airline Food (2.12) (1.11)
56 Failing Band Class (1.61) (1.62)
57 Marching Band Pride (1.36) (1.28)
58 The Secret of an Islamic Marriage (0.64) (1.14)
59 What Sport? (2.13) (0.6)
60 Mr Annoying (a Mik and Mak Joke) (0.91) (0.71)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 700

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