Most Recent Jokes

These are the most recent jokes submitted by users like you.

Title Comedy Rating
31 A (Po)Lite Snack (2.19) (0.99)
32 Best Not To Exchange With Haters (2.45) (0.93)
33 UK is OK (2.59) (1.26)
34 Suited To The Role (2.52) (0.53)
35 Well Played, Indeed (2.52) (1.35)
36 Burned (2.19) (1.05)
37 Ah, Parents... (2.75) (0.68)
38 He Fought The Law, And The Law Won (2.45) (0.93)
39 On The Straight And Narrow (Minded) (2.45) (1.02)
40 ... And We Wonder Why Everyone Hates Us (1.27) (1.2)
41 A Good Ol' Fashioned A** Whoopin' (2.4) (1)
42 Hell In A Handbag (2.41) (0.7)
43 No Pranks, Just Thanks (2.59) (0.4)
44 Hell Hath No Fury Like A Pregnant Woman Scorned (2.46) (0.65)
45 Big Lies Are Better Than Small Ones (2.45) (1.54)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 700

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