Most Recent Jokes

These are the most recent jokes submitted by users like you.

Title Comedy Rating
10486 500 Lawyers (2.13) (0.58)
10487 Pondering the afterlife (2.53) (0.54)
10488 White Horse (1.91) (0.6)
10489 Rain (1.27) (0.71)
10490 Into the Bar (2.54) (0.76)
10491 Antenna (2.84) (0.46)
10492 Guy with no Limbs (2.18) (0.56)
10493 Progress (2.87) (0.44)
10494 Guy in a Bar (2.14) (0.53)
10495 Black, White and Red (1.67) (0.42)
10496 Jumping Cow (2.54) (0.58)
10497 Cow With No Legs (2.14) (0.52)
1 ... 695 696 697 698 699 700

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