Most Popular Jokes

These are the most popular jokes as voted by our registered users. Only jokes with at least 20 votes are shown.

Title Comedy Rating
61 Laugh at the Pregnant Lady (3.32) (1.33)
62 The Medical Machine (3.32) (2.4)
63 A Pen in Space (3.32) (0.39)
64 Drunk Guy (3.32) (0.75)
65 Police Interactions (3.32) (1.11)
66 Whoops! (3.31) (0.42)
67 50 Fun Things to Do at Wal-mart (3.31) (0.37)
68 Very Angry Wife (3.31) (0.53)
69 Where is God? (3.31) (0.39)
70 Hillary (3.3) (0.53)
71 Reward (3.3) (0.47)
72 Mugged (3.3) (0.39)
73 Wise Things... (3.3) (0.64)
74 The Perfect Husband (3.3) (0.38)
75 Funny Signs (3.29) (0.68)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 ... 700

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