Most Popular Jokes

These are the most popular jokes as voted by our registered users. Only jokes with at least 20 votes are shown.

Title Comedy Rating
16 Divorce (3.39) (0.43)
17 Boots (3.38) (0.37)
18 Don't Lie to your Mom (3.38) (1.3)
19 Welcome to the Party (3.38) (0.58)
20 The Plane Trip (3.38) (0.41)
21 Nickel Johnny (3.38) (0.34)
22 New Priest (3.38) (1.38)
23 Strength Vs. Age (3.37) (0.43)
24 Ticket Please (3.37) (0.4)
25 Arriving Home Late (3.37) (1.01)
26 Idiot Saying of the World 3 (3.37) (0.65)
27 The Pope Driving (3.37) (0.39)
28 Riddles (3.37) (0.37)
29 We Haven't Had Any (3.37) (0.61)
30 Funny Instructions (3.37) (0.24)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 700

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