Most Popular Jokes

These are the most popular jokes as voted by our registered users. Only jokes with at least 20 votes are shown.

Title Comedy Rating
1 Dig the Potato Garden (3.47) (0.39)
2 Rude Parrot (3.47) (0.51)
3 WordPerfect Assistant (3.46) (0.39)
4 What was I Thinking? (3.45) (1.49)
5 Lipstick at School (3.43) (0.43)
6 Flying First Class (3.42) (0.44)
7 Speeding Ticket (3.42) (0.4)
8 Things Said In Court (3.4) (0.3)
9 Big People Words (3.4) (1.14)
10 Debate (3.4) (0.54)
11 Management (3.4) (0.36)
12 Because I'm Blonde? (3.39) (1.56)
13 Not Much of a Man (3.39) (0.34)
14 E-mails (3.39) (0.42)
15 Top 8 Idiots of 2000 (3.39) (0.45)
1 2 3 4 5 ... 700

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