Sports Jokes

111 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
46 War Zone (1.98) (0.77)
47 Golfing (2.52) (0.64)
48 Football Boobies (1.79) (1.53)
49 Four Football Fans (2.73) (0.55)
50 Animal Super Bowl (1.57) (0.69)
51 Little Brother (1.57) (0.65)
52 Adopt an NBA Player (1.94) (0.45)
53 An Important Phone Call (2.34) (0.77)
54 The "F" Word (2.49) (2.25)
55 The Steelers & The Browns (2.53) (0.53)
56 On The Golf Course (1.98) (2.52)
57 FORE (2.63) (2.12)
58 Actual Sports Commentary (2.58) (2.5)
59 In Golf... (2.13) (0.81)
60 Golf is Like... (1.69) (0.8)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

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