Men / Women Jokes

957 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
16 Don't Share the Same Bed (1.67) (2.06)
17 Payback in the Worst Place (1.89) (1.88)
18 Physical Exam (2.19) (1.86)
19 Pass Gas; Do Not Pass Go! (2.37) (0.87)
20 Error 374: No Title Has Been Given to This Joke (1.79) (1.64)
21 The Dog Is Loose! (2.5) (0.99)
22 Blah Funny Blah Joke (2.59) (1.26)
23 Refund (1.89) (1.03)
24 No Wonder I'm Deaf (2.03) (0.79)
25 Damn English! (2.08) (0.99)
26 I Am Gifted, Not Cursed (2.45) (0.73)
27 Honey, I Don't Feel Like it Tonight . . . (1.96) (1.34)
28 The Farmer's Daughters (1.55) (1.43)
29 In Sveden . . . (2.12) (1.61)
30 The Secret of a Long Marriage (2.82) (0.77)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 64

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