Lawyer Jokes

150 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
31 Oops! (2.64) (1.04)
32 Cra-Z Laws:Arizona (1.61) (1.04)
33 Farmer Joe (2.49) (1.03)
34 Heaven or Hell (2.63) (0.98)
35 Deaf Accountant (2.8) (0.94)
36 Lousiana Law (3.18) (0.94)
37 The Well-Dressed Lawyer and the Redneck (1.92) (0.93)
38 40 Great Lawyer Jokes (2.18) (0.92)
39 THE CIGARS (2.16) (0.91)
40 Justice Prevailed (1.93) (0.9)
41 Wacky Warnings - True Article (2.31) (0.89)
42 The Priest and the Lawyer (2.92) (0.88)
43 100 Dollar Bill (1.82) (0.88)
44 Unfair! (2.59) (0.88)
45 Beautiful? (1.79) (0.88)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 10

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