Lawyer Jokes

150 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
1 Ticket Please (3.37) (0.4)
2 A Lawyer's Trick (3.25) (0.39)
3 The Murder Trial (3.23) (0.45)
4 Cross Examination (3.21) (0.57)
5 Free Advice (3.2) (0.52)
6 Dead Lawyer (3.18) (0.47)
7 Lousiana Law (3.18) (0.94)
8 Think (3.17) (1.28)
9 Defending My Arm (3.17) (0.55)
10 A Level Playing Field! (3.16) (0.5)
11 The Witness (3.13) (0.57)
12 A Lawyer and the Pope Die and Go to Heaven (3.11) (0.5)
13 Idiot Lawyer (3.11) (0.55)
14 That's Me (3.11) (0.59)
15 Charity (3.08) (0.84)
1 2 3 4 5 ... 10

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