Lawyer Jokes

150 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
46 Lawyers and Vampires (1.61) (0.78)
47 The Honest Lawyer (2.91) (0.82)
48 A Fresh Appeal (2.15) (0.57)
49 You Know You Need A New Lawyer When... (2.62) (0.61)
50 Lawyer's Questions (1.76) (0.72)
51 Interesting Statistic... (1.97) (0.72)
52 Think (3.17) (1.28)
53 What's The Difference? (2.34) (0.75)
54 The Court Case (1.72) (1.04)
55 Oh! My Heart! (2.88) (0.54)
56 Horror Movie (1.85) (0.76)
57 What Do You Get... (1.97) (0.59)
58 A Lawyer's Trick (3.25) (0.39)
59 Bull and Train (2.55) (0.77)
60 Last Will and Testament (2.31) (2.46)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 ... 10

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