Lawyer Jokes

150 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
16 Lawyer Joke (2.79) (0.71)
17 A Lawyer and the Bureaucrats! (2.75) (1.07)
18 Actual Quotes From Court (2.76) (0.8)
19 Good Lawyers v Great Lawyers (2.81) (0.74)
20 That's Me (3.11) (0.59)
21 Why Did You Not Read It? (1.82) (1.14)
22 Kept in the Dark (2.78) (0.59)
23 What Are The Odds? (2.52) (0.83)
24 Knowing Your Client (2.33) (1.23)
25 At the Reading of the Will (3.03) (0.51)
26 Defamation of Character (2.4) (1.09)
27 Gold Watch (2.62) (0.81)
28 Lawyers Playing Poker (2.9) (0.61)
29 Unfair! (2.59) (0.88)
30 Hanging Right (2.09) (1.4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 10

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