Children Jokes

553 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
16 The Man of the House (2.62) (0.69)
17 Last Night (1.82) (1.41)
18 Concerning the Omnipresent Lenin Propaganda (2.09) (1.38)
19 Hit a Woman (2.05) (0.82)
20 When Johnny Comes Home Again (3.15) (0.5)
21 Dad, Have You . . .? (3.02) (0.6)
22 An Invitation (2.67) (0.76)
23 My Summer Vacation (3.24) (0.41)
24 My Daughter (2.96) (0.46)
25 Homework (2.15) (0.73)
26 At Least I Survived (2.89) (0.62)
27 Faith is Always Right (3.04) (0.55)
28 Nice Boy (3.13) (0.56)
29 Reward (3.3) (0.47)
30 Haven't Been Caught Yet (3) (0.42)
1 2 3 4 5 6 ... 37

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