Bar Jokes

155 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
76 Heaven (2.26) (1.07)
77 Jack and the Phone Call (2.28) (0.66)
78 MY DRINK!!!! (2.29) (0.93)
79 Horse Country (2.31) (1.06)
80 Getting Older (2.32) (2.37)
81 The Secret to Enjoying Wine (2.32) (0.66)
82 Name Your Penis (2.33) (2.81)
83 Kinky Costume (2.33) (1.29)
84 Waiter 2 (2.33) (0.71)
85 Blow Job (2.34) (2.65)
86 Pirate (2.34) (1.55)
87 Ducks Under it (2.34) (0.81)
88 Drunk Juggler (2.35) (0.78)
89 Vociferous in the Bar (2.38) (1.05)
90 Better Than My Fist (2.38) (1.17)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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