Bar Jokes

155 Jokes in this category.

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Title Comedy Rating
106 BAR (2.5) (0.55)
107 Seeing-eye Dogs (2.51) (0.75)
108 Jesus Christ! (2.52) (0.86)
109 Rough Times (2.53) (0.82)
110 Into the Bar (2.54) (0.76)
111 Give Me a Beer (2.54) (0.7)
112 The Drunk Test (2.56) (1.15)
113 Bar Translations (2.57) (2.25)
114 Waiter 3 (2.59) (0.72)
115 The Lemon (2.59) (0.88)
116 Beer Please (2.61) (0.67)
117 You Looked Like My Wife (2.61) (0.92)
118 Three Little Pigs (2.61) (0.79)
119 Greatest Hit (2.64) (0.58)
120 Alligator (2.64) (2.77)
1 ... 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

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