Favorites Jokes

This is a list of the jokes that the most people have added to their list of favorites.

Title Comedy Rating
91 Ernie the Hamster (3.01) (2.39)
92 Nickel Johnny (3.38) (0.34)
93 Thing's you don't want to hear during surgery (3.18) (0.53)
94 Ten Times (3.34) (1.42)
95 Riddles (3.37) (0.37)
96 A Local Business was Looking For Office Help... (3.14) (0.52)
97 Ticket Please (3.37) (0.4)
98 Dear White Fella... (3.03) (0.89)
99 Letter of Divorce (3.29) (1.42)
100 Eccentric Professor (3.25) (0.36)
101 Lousiana Law (3.18) (0.94)
102 The Proud father (3.27) (1.1)
103 Where is God? (3.31) (0.39)
104 How to Write a Paper (3.13) (0.47)
105 What We Learn from Movies 2 (3.25) (0.4)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 ... 350

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